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Rico Sorda

Jersey home dossier to reveal children were murdered...then burnt
It's feared island authorities may try to hush up the dossier on Haut de la Garenne orphanage but a source told us: "Officers on this case are in NO DOUBT what went on."
Innocent children WERE raped, murdered and their bodies then BURNT in a FURNACE at the Jersey House of Horrors, says a top-secret police report into the scandal.

Our chilling revelations come as officers prepare to hand over their damning dossier from Britain's biggest ever child abuse probe to the island's States of Jersey authorities.
A total of 65 teeth and around 100 charred fragments of bones are all that remain of victims detectives believe were abused and killed before their tortured corpses were thrown into a fiery grave inside the house of hell.
But records of children who stayed at the home over past decades have been destroyed so police have an impossible task of putting names to their grim finds.
A source close to the four-month investigation told us: "There's NO doubt in the minds of the detectives on this case that children WERE murdered in the home.
"Officers believe they have compelling evidence that youngsters' bodies were burnt in the home's furnace then the remains swept into the soil floor in the cellars—the area that became dubbed ‘the torture rooms'.
"Kids were shipped to the home from all over the UK and were never heard of again.
"All the inquiry team have to go on is this grim collection of teeth and bone fragments and no names to match up to the remains.
"Because this investigation has seen so many twists and turns people seem to find it hard to accept that children WERE slaughtered and their deaths WERE covered up."

Most of the dental remains discovered have been identified as children's milk teeth. And we can reveal that among more than 100 bone fragments is a TIBIA from a child's leg and what police believe is an "intact" ADENOID bone from the ear of an infant.
These were all retrieved from a fingertip search of the four cellars in the Home's EAST WING.
Forensic teams also found STRANDS OF NYLON which they have concluded came from the head of a broom.And, because those type of nylon brooms were only used in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the discovery helped officers to put a date on when the bones were swept into the soil floor.Cops are now convinced that those charred bones and teeth were emptied from the bottom of the home's industrial furnace—located away in the West Wing—when it was ripped out around that time to insall oil-fired central heating.Officers have spoken to builders who worked on renovations at the home but have been unable to discover what happened to the furnace after that. But they have taken samples from the chimney breast which was left behind.Around that same time wooden floorboards were laid OVER the old soil floor in the east wing.And it is there, within the hidden torture chambers just inches below, that the bones, a pair of shackles and children's clothing were found.
Also in the underground rooms police discovered a large concrete bath with traces of blood. A builder has also given evidence that he was asked to dig two lime pits in the ground nearby around that period. Lime pits have often been used to destroy corpses.
So far 97 people have come forward to complain they were abused as children at Haut de la Garenne. Many have described being drugged, shackled, raped, flogged and held in a dark cellar for long periods.Much of the clothing found at the scene is thought to date back to the 1960s and 1970s when youngsters had to make their own clothes and shoes in the care home work shop.Cops now believe that whoever was responsible for removing the furnace KNEW that there were children's remains inside. And they think it was moved while disgraced headmaster Colin Tilbrook was in charge of the place.Tilbrook, now dead, has been described by former charges as being behind "some of the most horrific abuse" at the home.
We can reveal that cops now plan to quiz one of his closest aides who is still alive and living in the UK.Tilbrook, who ran the home in the 1960s, died aged 62 in 1988 after suffering a heart attack in a public swimming pool. His foster daughter Tina Blee, 38, recently made an emotional visit to Haut de la Garenne to meet abuse victims and bravely told how SHE was raped by the monster every week as a child, after he took her in following his departure from Jersey.She said: "I needed to come here to say sorry for what he's done. If children were killed here I'm convinced he played a big part in it.
"He was more than capable of murder."This week police began a forensic examination inside a nearby World War II German bunker which victims say was used as a base for abusing children.
Six witnesses say they were sexually assaulted by staff at the squat brick building which houses a network of underground rooms and passages.As that work starts, police have closed the doors on their detailed forensic hunt inside the hell home.
Lack of records still hampers police. But we can reveal that one mainland authority, Birmingham City Council, has presented the Jersey force with a list of children who were sent to the home but went missing.Although four have now been tracked down, after a mammoth search one still remains unaccounted for.Earlier this year we also uncovered allegations that pictures of BABIES being raped were taken in the care home and circulated by an international child porn ring.

It was dubbed the Zandvoort stash, after the town where it was found—but the source studio was never uncovered.
Police said their latest intensive probe at Haut de la Garenne has produced more than 40 suspects.
Three men have already been charged with sex abuse offences as part of the inquiry. But now, despite the wealth of shocking detail uncovered by officers, there are fears the full truth about the House of Hell could be covered up yet again after the investigation boss, Jersey's tough No2 top cop Lenny Harper, retires next month.Haut de la Garenne's abused former residents have repeatedly claimed that what happened was deliberately hushed up to avoid tarnishing Jersey's reputation as a family-friendly tourist haven and to give politicians in London no excuse to try to exercise more control over the island.
Although Jersey is part of the British Isles and under the Queen's rule, it has a separate government system and makes its own laws.
Jersey's 53-member parliament has no political parties and its politicians, judges, policemen and business leaders come from a small elite—often linked by friendship or family.
In a separate case recently investigators were frustrated by the island's legal authorities who refused to charge a couple accused of beating their foster children with cricket bats. Despite being told by lawyers and an honorary police officer who reviewed the case that there was sufficient evidence to go ahead, the charges were blocked at the 11th hour.
A police source said: "The argument for not charging this couple was that their natural children have said they're of good character.
"The detailed statements of all the people who claim they were physically assaulted seem to count for nothing."
The Haut de la Garenne file, along with several others, is now complete but is "being held up" by lawyers.
Our inside source added: "There's a strong suspicion that the files are being held on to until Lenny Harper goes and a new team is in place.
"No one will be surprised if the truth about what happened in the care home never surfaces and once more the evidence gets swept under the carpet."