I have copied this from "therightofreply" blogspot. It is essential reading and needs a wide audience. The issues regarding the Magistrate Court need addressing ASAP. They are stacking up like a stack of cards. Im sure there will be more postings on this subject.
"Woman Jailed For 5 Months After Report Is Ignored"
"Another Shocking Indictment Of A
Corrupt System"
This little story sees Magistrate Bridget Shaw back under the spotlight yet again!
Practicing law from the bench without having any regard for the evidence.
Rose Shepherd was accused of drink driving yet she states that she did not have a drink prior to driving that day. Her home was unlawfully invaded by police with an illegal search warrant that wasn't worth the paper it was printed on.
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This is the garbage written by the JEP |
There was also some connivance on the part of the police with regard to the evidence, e.g a wine bottle. The police entered the home of Rose Shepherd amid the claim (anonymous phone call to the police) that she had been driving whilst under the influence of alcohol. Rose was adamant that she had not, yet freely admitted to having drank some wine on her return home whilst she was preparing dinner for her mother.
The police asked her to produce the wine bottle and the glass she had been drinking from, however, Rose could not find the bottle or the glass!
Why ever not?
Well, the police had swiped the bottle and glass and hidden it in the back of the police car without her knowledge, why would they do this if not to stitch her up?
Why would they want to stitch her up?
It may just have something to do with the fact she happened to be dating John Welsh, Curtis Warren's alleged right hand man. Rose, who would not have known what was alleged to have been going on with regards to Warren and Welsh, was obviously unable to assist the police with their inquiries in this regard and this appears to be the motive for their little vendetta.
Also worthy of note is the fact that when Rose was going to her car she saw her ex boyfriend, who just by chance had been sending her vicious text messages the night before. He also used the phrase "It's who you know"....now why would he say that?
The police later came back to her home with an unlawful search warrant, and whilst no one else was present, this was for the purpose of searching for the bottle and glass that they had already stolen from her home. Rose firmly believes that they were actually searching for drugs, they obviously didn't find any as Rose has nothing to do with drugs.
Rose was breathalyzed and charged with drink driving and later appeared in court. When the court heard that the warrant was illegal, the case was adjourned, the court later reconvened and the illegal warrant was no longer an issue for some inexplicable reason. Bridget Shaw was asked to recuse herself from hearing the case any further, which she refused to do.
The official States Analyst was called in by the prosecution to do a report about the alcohol level found in Rose Shepherd's system, he concluded from the evidence that she was not over the drink drive limit at the time of driving, which limit is 35 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath.
The legal alcohol limit for drivers in the UK is:
- 35 microgrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath
- 80 milligrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood
- 107 milligrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of urine
Bridget Shaw continued with the case ignoring the fact that the warrant was unlawful, and took no notice of the evidence given by the States Analyst. Rose was found guilty simply on the arbitrary opinion of the Magistrate, Bridget Shaw, and was locked up for five months and banned from driving for four years. To date, there has been no proof of the alleged anonymous phone call, or any recording of it. Rose has never seen a statement from any of the police officers either!
Rather convenient isn't it?
The States Analysts report is below.
"Jersey, World Leaders In Corruption!"
"Ignorance of the law is no excuse"....EXCEPT IN JERSEY
You wouldn't have to be caught with anything more than an overdue library book. They can stitch you up for anything. Rule of law = joke. The only protection you have is to be a paedophile with the dirt on several others. Innocent people fare worse.
“The official States Analyst was called in by the prosecution to do a report about the alcohol level found in Rose Shepherd's system, he concluded from the evidence that she was not over the drink drive limit at the time of driving, which limit is 35 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath.”
This is not true – please read again the States Analyst’s report that you published. This report states that if the woman in question (all 5 foot two of her) drank 2 bottles of white wine within one hour after arriving home at midday, and before the police arrived, as she has claimed, then, yes, that would account for her alcohol reading. This is a report written on the back of a supposition.
However, the analyst’s actual report for trial stated that according to readings taken at 14.26 her breath level was at 144 micrograms per 100 mililitres, which is extremely high (and not disputed). Indeed, she was lucky that she was not breath tested when the police arrived, otherwise her level would have been even higher. I understand that the woman also stated that during the hour that she managed to drink two bottles of wine, she also made lunch for her mother!
I am fully behind you on many of your fights for justice, but cannot support you on this. Even my alcoholic uncle who was built like a brick sh*t house, and used to drink pints of wine before breakfast, would have found it hard to down this much wine in an hour.
If she had been breathalyzed at 1pm her reading would have been much lower actually trolly boy, it takes a number of hours for alcohol to get into the system, or didn't you know?
And your last paragraph smacks of government aid.
Anonymous at 17.33 - If you'd care to do your homework you'd know that alcohol is not digested like normal food and drink. It goes directly into your bloodstream - 20 percent through the stomach walls and the rest through the intestinal walls. Having a lot of food in your stomach will slow the passage of the alcohol somewhat, however, on an empty stomach, a glass of wine is in the blood vessels in your arm in seven seconds. It touches every major part of your body within two minutes.
Anonymous at 17.33 - If you'd care to do your homework you'd know that alcohol is not digested like normal food and drink. It goes directly into your bloodstream - 20 percent through the stomach walls and the rest through the intestinal walls. Having a lot of food in your stomach will slow the passage of the alcohol somewhat, however, on an empty stomach, a glass of wine is in the blood vessels in your arm in seven seconds. It touches every major part of your body within two minutes.
The reason the analyst report was disregarded, was the Magistrate clearly did not accept the account that the lady drank two bottles of wine in an hour, which is what the report was based on. That's not corruption - it's assessing the evidence. A 1st year law student could see that!
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